Friday, December 10, 2010

What is Latisse®?

Latisse® is prescription-strength product which enhances the upper eyelashes by increasing their growth including length, thickness, and darkness. Latisse® is the first and only FDA-approved drug for eyelash hypotrichosis, which is a name for inadequate eyelashes. It is not available at retail stores or over the counter.

The product is applied to the eyelashes daily. Applicators come with the product, and application is easy. The onset is gradual. Initial results are seen within four weeks, and full benefits occur after four months of continuous treatment. Mascara can be used at the same time.

Patients with glaucoma are cautioned when using this product. Common side effects include itchy eyes and eye redness. There may be temporary darkening of the upper eye lid and there is a possibility of permanent iris darkening.

The way Latisse® was discovered is interesting. Allergan, the company that makes Latisse®, marketed a medication called Lumigan, which contains the same active ingredient (bimatoprost) as Latisse®. They found that patients using this medication for glaucoma had the side effect of growing longer lashes. They then did a study on safety and efficacy and Latisse® was approved by the FDA in December 2008. In the two years since then, over 1.5 million bottles of Latisse® have been sold. It has gained a lot of exposure by spokesmodels including Brooke Shields and Claire Danes.

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