Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What can lasers do?

It's amazing to see all the new applications that are available using a laser. It seems like every day there is something new that can be done.

By now everyone is familiar with laser hair removal. This is the most common laser procedure and ranks second to Botox in outpatient cosmetic procedures over the past few years. A laser or light source is applied to the skin causing the growing hairs to be destroyed. Multiple treatments are required and different lasers and setting are used based on skin type.

Another popular application is the use of lasers for pigmented and vascular lesions, that is dark spots and veins. Again, various lasers or light sources are used depending on the type and location of the lesion as well as the patient's skin type. Multiple treatments are required, but the results are often amazing. This is the principle behind the common procedure called "photo-facial."

Skin tightening is used for loose skin. If there is too much laxity, surgical intervention may be better. Talk to a doctor to see which is best for you. In this treatment, it is not really the light, but the heat caused by the laser or light source that has the effect. The skin is heated via a laser, light source, or radiofrequency causing the collagen in the skin to contract and leading to the formation of new collagen. This causes the skin to tighten. It is used commonly to treat places like sagging jowl lines.

Resurfacing is one of the most expensive procedures, but has the best results. This is used for improving surface texture, fine to deep wrinkles, pores, and scars. There is ablative and nono-ablative resurfacing. Ablative resurfacing produces better results, but has a longer down time. There are also fractional devices which partially ablate the skin. In this procedure, tiny portions of the skin are destroyed. When new skin forms over the wound, the skin is smoother in texture and color. It is also tighter and has a youthful glow to it.

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