Sunday, October 6, 2013

New Product Available for Facial Redness

Rosacea before and after 3 treatments
On August 28, 2013, the FDA approved a new product called Mirvaso (brimotidine) for facial redness, or rosacea. In the past, the only prescription product available for rosacea was metronidazole, the active ingredient in the A E Skin Rosamax gel. Rosacea is a common condition where those affected become red, typically in the central face. The redness or flushing can be induced by sun exposure, heat, cold, spicy foods, alcohol consumption, and emotional stress. Non-prescription skin care products also used to treat rosacea include niacinamide and vitamin C. IPL photofacial treatments, Dr. Alex's area of expertise, are also outstanding treatments for rosacea. I normally recommend a combination approach using both topical products and IPL photofacial treatments for best results. Contact A E Skin (818-835-1833) for a free consultation.

1 comment:

  1. I've been using Mirvaso for over a month now. The results are truly amazing. Thank you Dr. Alex.
