Sunday, September 8, 2013

Differences Between IPL Photofacial Treatments

Before and after one IPL Photofacial treatment
for dark spots on the hands
One of the most common questions that I am asked is about the differences between IPL photofacial treatments. There are many different laser systems available and each one is a little different. Also, each office does the treatments a little bit differently. At A E Skin, Dr. Alex uses the Sciton Profile Broad Band Light system. This is an outstanding device for many reasons. It has a large spot size and fast repetition rate. When combined with Dr. Alex's experience of having done over 1,500 IPL photofacials, the treatment time is less than five minutes long. This compares with 20 to 30 minutes for other systems and users. Additionally, at A E Skin every patient receives topical numbing cream prior to the treatment and cold air during the treatment to allow for a comfortable treatment. The Sciton Broad Band Light system has many settings that can be adjusted for each person's skin to allow for safe treatment of people with both fair and dark skin. Dr. Alex always uses a conservative approach for the first treatment to prevent unwanted side effects such as burns and discolorations. Patients can therefore expect best results after a series of three to six treatments at four to eight week intervals. Those with darker skin require more treatments. For these reasons, the A E Skin IPL Photofacial treatment, unlike other treatments is fast, safe, and comfortable with minimal downtime and outstanding results. It is important to understand these factors and to have appropriate expectations. Contact Dr. Alex (818-835-1833 for a free consultation.