Sunday, February 3, 2013

Comfort During Cosmetic Procedures

Cosmetic procedures, as their name implies, are performed to improve the appearance of the skin. While this is the primary objective, it does not mean that the procedure must be uncomfortable. There are many ways to improve comfort during procedures such as injectables (Botox, Juvederm, etc.), chemical peels, and laser procedures. The simplest way is to apply something cold onto the skin to numb the area. This could be a cold pack, a cold spray, or cold air. These methods work very well both before and immediately after the procedure. Vibration can also provide comfort; this is common when dentists vibrate the lip prior to injecting an anesthetic. Another method is by using topical numbing cream. Numbing creams can be very effective at providing comfort and can be applied for a few minutes or over an hour prior to a procedure. A professional should apply the numbing cream to avoid potential complications. Oral medications such as Tylenol, Valium, and Vicodin can also be used; some of these require a prescription. Be sure to consult with a doctor prior to taking any of these because after taking certain medications it is not recommend to perform certain activities such as driving. Nerve blocks are injections in the area of treatment which provide nearly immediate comfort and are preferred by many surgeons. Intramuscular injections are done in other areas such as the shoulder. Intravenous conscious sedation, also known as twilight anesthesia provides further comfort. The most aggressive measure is general anesthesia in which the patient is put to sleep during the entire procedure. It is important to know that cosmetic procedures do not have to be uncomfortable. Make sure you discuss your options before undergoing a cosmetic procedure.

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