Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Importance of Hydration for the Skin

The skin is the largest organ in the body and has numerous functions including sensation, temperature regulation, preventing water loss, and protecting the body from insults such as chemicals, infections, and sun. Having an appropriate amount of water in the skin cells is essential for these metabolic functions. The skin is made up of approximately 70 % water and it contains a natural moisturizing factor to prevent water loss. As we age the amount of this moisturizing factor decreases leading to dryness, redness, and irritation. Moisturizers and hydrators replenish this function when applied topically to the skin. But it is also important to make sure your body is well hydrated from the inside to provide water that is essential for the skin. Hydrated skin is healthy and appears supple, plump, and radiant, like a fresh grape. Dehydrated skin, on the other hand, is wrinkled and dry and resembles a raisin. Drinking at least eight cups of water every day provides the skin with adequate hydration to perform all of its important functions. Drink more water when the weather is hot or dry and when you exercise. At the same time avoid alcohol and caffeine which dehydrate the body. Water intake also benefits overall health because it stimulates metabolism throughout the body.


  1. These are really helpful information. Also, stress and tensions have adverse effects on the skin sooner or later. Thus avoid unnecessary worries in order to prevent your skin from deterioration. Instead indulge yourself in yoga and exercises to combat the stress.

  2. We must always understand how important skin hydration is. Without proper and right hydration your skin will look pale, old and lifeless.No skin care creams will help you if you are not properly hydrated.Also, do not use chemicals to hydrate your skin because it can cause you irritations.
