Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a simple procedure done in the office for a variety of skin concerns. After washing the face, a controlled amount of a chemical is carefully applied to the skin. Patients will experience a stinging, burning, or itching sensation. Often times a fan is used to help with this. After a short time the solution is neutralized or diluted with water, although some preparations do not require this step. After a few days, the skin begins to peel, removing the dead skin cells on the surface. Usually by one week, the new skin that re-grows is refreshed and rejuvenated, and you see improvements in terms of color, texture, and tone. During this period a list of aftercare instructions are provided to prevent unwanted effects such as scars or blisters.

As we age, dead skin cells accumulate on the surface of the skin. When light hits such skin, it does not reflect, giving a dull appearance. Exfoliation with scrubs, at home solutions, and chemical peels removes this layer and provides a glow to the skin. It works great for a variety of skin conditions including acne, discoloration, enlarged pores, scars, and even some pre-cancerous lesions. When performed in a series at monthly intervals and combined with skin care products such as anti-oxidants, exfoliants, retinoids, bleaching agents, and sunscreens beautiful results can be obtained.

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