Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Top Ten Skin Care Tips

1. Use sunscreen every day. Even if it's overcast or if you're not going outside. Wear sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and with UVA and UVB protection.

2. Wash your face twice daily. Clean skin is healthy skin.

3. Avoid excessive sun exposure. Wear sunglasses, hats, and protective clothing. Avoid the sun during the middle of the day and try to stay in the shade when outside. Sun damage can lead to wrinkles, laxity, color irregularities, and skin cancer.

4. Use an antioxidant such as a vitamin C product. This will help prevent sun damage and maintain a youthful and radiant appearance.

5. Use a retinoid such as tretinoin. This will remove the dead surface layer of the skin giving the skin a brighter glow. It also helps restore collagen, which will decrease laxity.

6. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day.

7. Exercise regularly. This will promote blood flow to the skin and give you a healthy looking complexion.

8. Eat healthy. Avoid oily and fried foods, while consuming foods rich in nutrients such as fish and dark green vegetables.

9. Get an appropriate amount of sleep every day. This is especially important to avoid puffiness and bags around the eyes.

10. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by avoiding tobacco, excessive alcohol, and non-prescription drugs.

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